Friday, September 27, 2019

Perspectives on operations management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Perspectives on operations management - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that operations management strategy is simply a tool which can help the organizations to carry out their business inefficient manner. Operations strategies are the main key to the measurement of performance of any business entity. The main concern of business entities is how they will survive and can continue their functions in an effective manner. For this purpose, an efficient operations strategy set the long-term directions for the business and these directions ensure the future success of any organization. An efficient operations strategy can help the business entities to win the race and stand at top of the crowd in a competitive environment. Â  X Company is the chain of independent retail outlets in Hartwell in Essex and opening a new Wal-Mart store at the edge of the town. The advice is needed about the potential operation strategy in response to the recent opening of Wal-Mart store. The authors have prepared a plan for the future b usiness operation strategy for the new Wal-Mart store. According to many successful financial advisors, Operations strategy for any business has a direct impact on the profitability levels and corporate strategy. Structural design is the main element of the operations strategy. As the Company X is running its business as a retail outlet and wants to set the new business operation strategy for new Wal-Mart store. There are some key points for the structural design of new operations strategy in the paper.

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