Monday, September 30, 2019

How Personal Can Ethics Get? Essay

The level of ethics competency is determined by the individual’s ability to identify elements of ethics, assess issues with ethics that arise, apply knowledge and regulations when making ethical decisions, and communicate those decisions to others. As stated by Curry in his discussion of workplace ethics: Ethics are about making choices that may not always feel good or seem like they benefit you but are the â€Å"right† choices to make. They are the choices that are examples of â€Å"model citizens† and examples of the golden rules. We’ve all heard the golden rules: Don’t hurt, don’t steal, don’t lie, or one of the most famous: â€Å"Do unto others as you would have done to you. † These are not just catchy phrases; these are words of wisdom that any productive member of society should strive to live by. (Curry, n. d. ) Organizational ethics depends on the culture of the company or organization and the extent of the importance of codes of ethics within the company. Organizational ethics is the company’s codes and procedures that manage the actions and decisions of its employees and leadership. Personal difference and preference can impact this, however. There are occasions when organizational ethics and personal ethics are not in line with one another. A lot of times employees do not know how to balance the personal side with the business side. In businesses there are several factors that influence the morality of individuals. Those factors are peers, company policies and procedures, and superiors such as management. In our personal lives there are factors as well. Those factors include family and friends. Ethics are thought of by many people as something that is related to the private side of life and not to the business side. In many businesses, having ethics is frowned upon or thought of as a negative subject. This is because business is usually about doing what’s best for number one, not about what’s really the right thing to do. (Curry, n. d. ) With this in mind, there are occasions when business decisions are not made simply because the decision is really the right thing to do. Businesses are created for a number of reasons, but to stay in business the company must practice good decision making and make a profit. Over time, in the long run, the business that finds a way to balance personal differences and preferences with organizational ethics will last longer and be more profitable. Mary White, the co-owner of MTI Business Solutions addresses business ethics in her article. In one particular point White states: Companies and businesspeople who wish to thrive long-term must adopt sound ethical decision-making practices. Companies and people who behave in a socially responsible manner are much more likely to enjoy ultimate success than those whose actions are motivated solely by profits. Knowing the difference between right and wrong and choosing what is right is the foundation for ethical decision making. In many cases, doing the right thing often leads to the greatest financial, social, and personal rewards in the long run. (White, n. d. ) Often times, individuals in leadership positions put their own goals and preferences before that of the company. For example, a CEO might accept a deal with another company that includes an extra incentive or reward that solely benefits the CEO and deny a deal with another company because there is nothing extra that benefits the CEO. Although the company benefits by accepting another client, the ethics of the organization is compromised. Although the company with no included incentives may provide more value in the long run for the company looking to make a deal, the CEO may lose the opportunity to gain a deal in the future. When any individual becomes a part of a company, their own personal differences and preferences do not only impact the individual, but everyone around them including the company. Organizational Policies and Procedures and the Impact on Ethics In addition, organizational policies and procedures can impact ethics. The policies and procedures put into effect by businesses provide guidelines in efforts to allow the business to run smoothly. These procedures and policies set by the organization provide a means of what is right and what is wrong. This is the company’s code of conduct or set of organizational ethics. The organizational policies and procedures can either benefit the company or hinder the company. The purpose of setting this code of right and wrong is so that the company is providing employees with guidelines in hopes that employees will follow. The benefit is all employees are working towards a common goal in a common matter. This provides a sense of order within the business. Every position has its own guidelines so that employees know exactly what is expected. When an employee violates a code that is clearly documented in the company’s policies and procedures, the employee cannot state that he or she did not know what was expected. In the same sense, just as the organizational policies and procedures can benefit the ethics of the company, the policies and procedures can also produce a negative outcome. This can occur when employees refuse to follow these procedures. An employee may choose not to abide by policies when he or she has his or her own motive. For example, an employee does not agree with a company policy that states that no employee may release a certain type of information. In turn, the employee shares the information with a highly competitive company. This affects the ethics of the company as well as the individual. In this situation, the policy is clearly documented. Although the policy is set in place to provide order and give a guideline for employees to follow, the employee violated the policy. Ethical Dilemmas and Valerie When ethics become an issue within a company, ethical dilemmas occur. An ethical dilemma is a dispute between what is right and wrong between two opposing parties. Although ethical dilemmas occur every day, there is really no right or wrong solution. It is simply a matter of what one believes. In the case study, Valerie is facing an ethical dilemma. The ethical dilemma she is facing is not only about what she considers right or wrong, but also her job. As a result of her decision, she could lose several things. The ethical dilemma that Valeria is facing is if she tells anyone what she has learned, she could lose her job, her privilege to stay in the United States since she doesn’t have a Green Card, future education, and her career relationships. In this situation, Valerie can reveal the information and risk losing everything or keep the information to herself and work for a company of which she no longer respects. In either situation, Valerie is losing something. It is up to her to decide what is more important. If I were in the situation Valerie is in, I would keep the information to myself. Although neither decision is potentially right or wrong, if Valerie chooses to keep the information to herself, she does not have to risk losing her job and ability to stay in the United States. Even though Valerie does not reveal the information herself, the information may still come out in the future from another source. Another method that I would chose is to provide an anonymous explanation to corporate. Most businesses provide a means in which employees are able to provide information anonymously. In either case, Valerie will not have to jeopardize losing her job, right to live in this county, education, nor relationships within the company. Conclusion In closing, personal differences and preferences can impact organizational ethics. Employees must realize that their own decisions and beliefs affect the company they work for. In the same sense, organizational policies and procedures can impact ethics as well. Although companies set up policies to address what is right and wrong, there are positive benefits as well as negative outcomes.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bcom/275 Wk4 Assignment

BCOM/275 WK4 Assignment: Knowing Your Audience Communication Release Communication To Family Face-To-Face We regret to inform you that your family member is among 33 workers currently trapped due to cave-in. We want you to know that as we speak, we have rescue workers on site doing everything possible to bring every worker to safety as soon as possible. We will keep you informed as new information develops. I this statement I don’t wont to give too much information about the events that possibly lead to the collapse because I don’t want to cause any more sorrow or panic than necessary †¢ It is wise to keep the family informed of any developing information because it is best they here it from you instead of miss-information from the news. †¢ Until the whereabouts of the miners have been confirmed, it is best to not mention that part to the family. Communication To The Company Via MeetingWe have just been informed of a cave-in trapping 33 miners at one of our No rthern Chile copper mining location. Rescuers are drilling holes to try and locate the works. But for now there has been no confirmation as to whether the 33 miners have survived the cave-in. They are approximately 300 meters down and there is limited food, oxygen and water. So rescuers are working around the clock. We have also learned that doing the rescue there was a second cave-in Saturday causing a delay in rescue efforts for several hours.We ask that you reframe from sharing any information with anyone outside the company, especially the media. It is important that we gather all that facts and keep the family members informed prior to any information being leaked to the media. There will be a follow up emails informing everyone of new information as it is received. †¢ With the company I would want to be straightforward and somewhat detailed of the events. †¢ It is important to information co-workers to not talk to media about certain details of the incident out of fe ar that it may get misworded and back to the families.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Econ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Econ - Essay Example ics.This approach assumes that when businesses fluctuate, then this is a clear interpretation of the fluctuation in the output’s growth rate instead of a change in the level of output. This statement implies that economics is a misery in that there is a very peculiar of interconnection of markets and they respond in a very surprising manner to the changes in preferences and resources. For example, if a reduction of a product occurs, the price of the commodity goes up and the consumers get an incentive to consume less of the commodity while the suppliers get an incentive to discover more. It is very surprising that increase in the price of one commodity can be the reason of another commodity’s price going up. Therefore, this approach in economics tends to let people understand the invisible side in economics in order to understand the economics world. Keynes a very popular economist stated that he would like to steer the economy while Hayek articulates that he would like to set the economy free. Keynes, had a very strong believe and supported that during the periods of depression or during recession in an economy, the government should spend during the depression period as a way to increase the aggregate demand and to lower the levels of unemployment. He believed that during the period of recession, the government should buy security bonds in order to reduce aggregate demand since this reduces the flow of money amongst the citizens. By doing this, Keynes felt that government spending is a good way of controlling the markets. Hayek, a fellow economist, criticized what Keynes argued that government spending should regulate the demand in the market by arguing that he preferred to set the market in the economy to operate freely. Hayek argued that the market should operate freely without any intervention and correct itself without intervention too. His argument was that intervention by either the government spending or the policies of the central bank in effort to

Friday, September 27, 2019

Perspectives on operations management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Perspectives on operations management - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that operations management strategy is simply a tool which can help the organizations to carry out their business inefficient manner. Operations strategies are the main key to the measurement of performance of any business entity. The main concern of business entities is how they will survive and can continue their functions in an effective manner. For this purpose, an efficient operations strategy set the long-term directions for the business and these directions ensure the future success of any organization. An efficient operations strategy can help the business entities to win the race and stand at top of the crowd in a competitive environment. Â  X Company is the chain of independent retail outlets in Hartwell in Essex and opening a new Wal-Mart store at the edge of the town. The advice is needed about the potential operation strategy in response to the recent opening of Wal-Mart store. The authors have prepared a plan for the future b usiness operation strategy for the new Wal-Mart store. According to many successful financial advisors, Operations strategy for any business has a direct impact on the profitability levels and corporate strategy. Structural design is the main element of the operations strategy. As the Company X is running its business as a retail outlet and wants to set the new business operation strategy for new Wal-Mart store. There are some key points for the structural design of new operations strategy in the paper.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Do we live in a death denying culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Do we live in a death denying culture - Essay Example Death is something that is natural and nobody can stop it. When the time comes all of us have to go and the sooner we accept this fact, the more at ease we will be. We do not teach our children about death and it is something that the children learn themselves, when they experience a death of a loved one or through their experience of the world. We can say that we live in a death denying culture. There may be a few exceptions where people accept death and greet it with open arms when it comes otherwise majority of the people are scared of it; the problems, the diseases and the plagues that it brings with it. The concept of death has changed with time. During the Middle Ages people accepted death more easily and with tranquility. It was considered shameful to die suddenly; the concept of tame death was common among these times. People wanted to prepare for their deaths and for this they needed time, thus the tame death was what everybody wanted for themselves. Also, friends and family would gather around to offer their support and prayers. At this time people believed that the person entered sleep-like state to peacefully await salvation. It was believed that the dead person slept tranquilly during this period in a garden of flowers (Moller, 1996). Cemeteries were built far away from towns and cities as people were scared in the presence of the dead. The cemeteries slowly moved into the Churchyard as towns spread, but only the people who the Church recognized as virtuous or holy could be buried there. One very interesting fact was that to make space for the dead, the old graves were dug up and the bones were removed. As more time went by, the cemeteries became an attraction to the people; more people met up there and started living around the area. This was because the population started to grow and there was not enough space for housing. People started to be less scared of death and could be around it for a longer period of time. Many theories and patterns of death evolved; tame death being the first. The second patter was that of the death of self. An individual's acts, during this time, were categorized as good or bad and people had the ability to choose which path they will follow. The participation of the devil and the angel were brought into consideration and the records that they kept were evaluated when a person died. Based on there records, an individual was either sent to heaven or hell. In the fifteenth century, the concept of the day of final judgment emerges. "The salvation of a person's soul was now to be determined by the act of death rather than the acts of life. Dying a good death became the key to salvation." (Moller, 1996) According to this concept, a good death was when a person died while praying and if during the dying process if the dying person was tempted by the devil his death was to be damned. The main different between the two concepts then becomes the difference between universal salvation and individual judgment. During the sixteenth century, the plague happened and people realized that death could come at any time without them knowing it. Thus, at this time it became more important to do whatever a person had set out to achieve in life, so that when death does actually knock on the person's door, he has no regrets. This led people to develop calmness

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marketing Communication Project for Abbey National Essay

Marketing Communication Project for Abbey National - Essay Example The appropriate promotional product mix is chosen. The guidelines of evaluation and control of the campaign is prepared. On COST, but not on PRICE: The term 'Customer's cost' is very essential. It is not the price what customer pays, but the value of the product and services customer has to delineate to acquire the product / services he /she is getting. Whether the customer is getting the value for money On COMMUNICATION but not on PROMOTION: The emphasize is on Communication. There is no place of product or service promotion. The buying decision of a customer no longer depends only on the product or services offered. It also depends on various other factors like company reputation, it's standing in public image etc. Communication is the most essential aspect in achieving this goal. The communication process should be a two way process involving the customer for feedback. As per the American Association of Advertising Agencies, the IMC can be defined as "a concept of marketing communication planning the recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic role of a variety of communication disciplines e.g. general advertising, direct response, sales promotion and public relations - and combines those disciplines to provide clarity, consistency and maximum communication impact"1. The core idea behind Integrated Marketing Communication is to combine the various communication tools that are traditionally used independently of each other in such a way that a synergetic effect is created taking care of making the effort seamless or homogeneous. It emphasizes that the communication becomes more effective and efficient due to the result of the consistency and synergetic effects of all the tools used. It should be noted that the emphasize is put on the words consistency

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

People mangment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

People mangment - Essay Example As such, contemporary organisations have provided the arena wherein growth and success of the firm is tied up with the growth and participation of the employees for the success of the organization (Li, Guohui & Eppler 2008; Wolfgang & Brewster, 2005). However, it is not only contemporary organizations that have undergone changes. The nature of the contemporary workforce has also been modified (Jinzhao, 2007). Globalization is not only about removal of economic barriers among nations and movements of capital, investments and goods, but it also pertains to the more free movement of people across nations reducing the significance of physical borders as barriers (Fischer, 2003; Suarez-Orozco & Qin-Hilliard, 2004). In this regard, the nature of the contemporary workforce has been revolutionized from a homogenous workforce to a heterogeneous, diverse workforce (Maxwell, McDougal & Blair, 2001). The idea of a heterogeneous work force means â€Å"differences in attitudes, and behaviors of e mployees relative to gender, race, age, ethnicity, physical ability, and other relevant characteristics† (Jinzhao, 2007, p. 60). ... This reality pervades all organizations regardless of their nature. In the light of this change in the nature of the contemporary workforce, the concepts of diversity and equality will be discussed vis-a-vis the reality of women in the workplace. As such, this research will address the following questions: what are diversity and equality policies? Do they work? Finally, do they open possibilities and opportunities for women? DIVERSITY AND EQUALITY POLICIES: A CONCEPTUAL LOOK Diversity in the workforce is initially perceived as a response toward the increasing diversity of the consumers in the market (Agocs & Burr, 1996). From there, it has been observed that capitalizing on existing differences among the employees provides benefits to the organization. Diversity in the workforce fosters and encourages creativity, innovativeness, diverse views and approaches to a particular problem, opens alternative perspectives and taps diverse talents from varying backgrounds to harness the organiz ations problem-solving and decision-making skills. For these reasons, scholars are in agreement that managing diversity is a challenge organizations must be willing to undertake because using the pot of diversity opens creativity and innovativeness for the organization (Agocs & Burr, 1996; Jinzhao, 2007; Bartz et al,1990; Maxwell et al, 2001). Moreover, it has been claimed that diversity should not be limited only to the physical and observable differences existing among employees. Intangible differences such as background, values, religious orientation, beliefs and the like are as important as physical and tangible differences like age, sex, disabilities, color of the skin, accent of speech and other similar qualities, since, if all these differences are harness,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Is Current UK Government Policy On Training And Development Fit For Essay

Is Current UK Government Policy On Training And Development Fit For Purpose - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the policy of the United Kingdom on training and development is reflected in the document, Further education-new horizon: Investing in skills for sustainable development, produced by the United Kingdom Department for Business, Innovation & Skills or BIS. One important feature of the UK government policy is that â€Å"the case for state investment is strongest for young people and those with low skills†. In particular, the focus is on â€Å"young people aged 19 up to 24†.   However, â€Å"the further education resource budget will be reduced by 25%†. This is a very important feature of the UK government policy on training on development. The UK â€Å"will progressively introduce a new loan facility, which will remove grant funding from the 2013/14 academic year, providing the capacity to sustain learner participation with government-backed fee loans for individuals aged 24 or over studying at qualifications at leve l 3 and above†. BIS elaborated â€Å"there will be no up-front costs and the repayments made on an income-contingent basis.† In addition, â€Å"the government has made available  £129m in 2013-14 and  £398m in 2014-15 for these fee loans†. The BIS claims, however, that while public investment will be reduced, the UK government will â€Å"free the sector from top-down targets and direction to enable a truly demand-led system to develop†. The government will seek â€Å"greater contributions from individuals and employers who benefit most and can afford to pay†. For 2011-12, â€Å"the total Teaching and Learning budget will be  £3.1bn, of which  £605m will be earmarked for adult apprenticeships†. However, spending on adult apprenticeships and, relative to the previous government, â€Å"will increase by up to  £250m by the end of the SR period†. Informal adult and community learning will be retained although they will be â€Å"r eformed†. There will also be â€Å"progression routes for those looking for a way into formal learning. Importantly, â€Å"there will also be helpful for those who are unemployed on active benefits†. The UK government policy on training and development comes with â€Å"fundamental policy changes†. The â€Å"Train Gain† will be abolished. â€Å"Funding for workplace training on SMEs will be prioritized†.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Symptoms, transmission, treatments, and prevention of the HPV virus Research Paper

Symptoms, transmission, treatments, and prevention of the HPV virus - Research Paper Example It is indisputable that the greater the degree of abnormality the greater the risk of cancer. Cervical cancer develops due to various factors and HPV infection is a significant factor. As such, recurring HPV infections have been identified, as the chief cause for cervical cancer. Cervical cancer develops due to various factors and HPV infection is a significant factor. It claims a large number of female lives, all over the world. Immunization Practices (ACIP) it was stated that; â€Å"HPV is a necessary but not sufficient cause of all cervical cancers. Approximately three fourths of all cervical cancers in the United States are squamous cell; the remaining are adenocarcinomas† (Markowitz, March 23, 2007). Despite the fact that HPV causes cervical cancer, not all cervical cancers are caused by HPV. According to this study, HPV is not the only reason for cervical cancer, although on many occasions its presence was observed, while detecting cervical cancer. Thus, HPV is not the sole cause for cervical cancer. HPV is mainly transmitted through sexual contact. In some cases, the HPV infection persists even after several years have elapsed after sexual contact with an infected person. In accordance with these studies, HPV is not the only cause for Cervical Cancer. However, it was detected in the majority of the cases. In the US, squamous cell and adenocarcinomas have been seen to be the active cause for Cervical Cancers, in three – fourths of the cases. The following discussion makes it clear that Cervical Cancer can be prevented, if HPV infection is detected at an early stage. Nevertheless, such infection cannot be detected in the initial stages, on account of the absence of symptoms. A study conducted by Vanslyke, Baum, Plaza et al declared that â€Å"Cervical cancer is a preventable disease resulting from infection with high-risk types of sexually transmitted human papillomaviruses (HPVs). Public

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Cycle of Nursing Theory Essay Example for Free

The Cycle of Nursing Theory Essay Nursing cannot exist without theory, and the concepts that define those principles. Every intervention a nurse organizes is based off of theory, and revolves directly around the patient. The current practice used as a Registered Nurse in the emergency room setting is similar, but less complicated than that of an Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner. Emergency room nurses firstly ask the patient what their chief complaint is upon arrival. The chief complaint labels the patient, and gives them a triage level based on the amount of resources needed to intervene. The chief complaint (or illness) is the nurse’s focus of his/her practice. The nurse also takes into consideration the need to educate the patient and his or her own readiness to learn. All of these factors help reach the goal of making the patient â€Å"feel† better and regain health. Below is a model of how nurses in the emergency room revolve directly around the patient. Figure 1.1: Emergency Room Registered Nurse Conceptual Framework Making the decision to use this framework of nursing and theory helps organize the nurse and prioritize his/her actions. Without knowing the chief complaint, the nurse cannot treat. Furthermore, the nurse must ask the patient the reasoning for his visit in the emergency room today. Often, patients have many symptoms regarding their illness; nurses must prioritize which symptoms are most concerning, and ask the patient what his bothering him/her the most (i.e. headache versus shortness of breath). After learning what the patient has arr ived for, the nurse must start gathering data that relates to the patient’s chief complaint. For example, if the patient presents with shortness of breath, it is important to gather data such as: oxygen saturation, respiratory rate and effort, lung auscultation, presence of cough, and observing patient color. In addition to objective data, it is important to gather subjective data. This type of data includes: patient  symptoms, health history, and social history (such as smoking). Next, the nurse will implement her plan of care and intervene by: providing supplemental oxygen, if needed, elevate head of bed, and encourage the patient to breathe slowly if breathing appears to be labored or fast. After each intervention, the nurse must reassess the patient to see if his/her interventions worked; if not, the plan of care must be changed to improve patient status. Subsequently, the nurse must take into account the need to educate the patient and his/her ability and readiness to learn. If a patient is not ready to learn, it makes it difficult to for the nurse to teach and help reach the overall goal of restoring health. This cycle continues each time the patient gets ill; the nurse always forms her plan of care around the patient. For example, if a patient is mentally handicapped, the nurse might direct her education towards the patient’s caregiver to ensure the patient has the greatest success of reaching health. This conceptual framework is applicable to emergency room nurses’ practice because it is a constant cycle, organized, direct, and patient-focused. In the emergency room setting, it is vital that nurses are able to prioritize and organize symptoms and data. If a nurse forgets to obtain an oxygen saturation (in the data section), this can be life-threatening to the shortness of breath patient! Furthermore, nursing interventions are always tailored around the initial chief complaint and data gathered. It is a cycle that starts over each time a patient presents with an illness. Even though this framework is frequently utilized, there are many areas in which it could improve. What about a patient’s environment, social stability, and body’s response to the illness? In addition, there are no interrelationships noted on this model. There are many ways this framework could improve, be more in depth, and help reach goals by learning about other nursing theories and theorists. Nursing theorist Myra Estrin Levine goes into great depth on the relationships between nurse and patient, and the holistic view on healthcare. Levine had many roles as a nurse and was well educated; additionally, her views on nursing are broad and theoretical. Levine defined â€Å"three major concepts of the Conservation Model,† including: â€Å"(1) wholeness, (2) adaptation, and (3) con servation† (Alligood Tomey, 2010, p. 227). The current model shown in Figure 1.1 does not take into account the patient as a whole; it only takes into account particular parts  of the patient and current complaints/ailments. The current theory used by emergency room nurses (as explained above) could be greatly improved by understanding Levine’s major concepts, and how much environment alone can influence patients. This portion of the metaparadigm is defined as an â€Å"organismic response;† something nurses learn in anatomy and physiology classes, but often is forgotten when they begin practicing (Alligood Tomey, 2010, p. 228). This type of response is our autonomic nervous system telling the body to have a â€Å"fight or flight† response. This fight or flight response to stress, illnesses, and a patient’s consciousness of what is happening around him/her can induce this response. Fight or flight can increase or decrease one’s heart rate, blood pressure, anxiety, and/or stress. This response is different in all persons, and can vary greatly depending on a person’s previous experiences and if they feel a â€Å"threat actually exists† (Alligood Tomey, 2010, p. 228). Other than the holistic approach to healthcare, Levine understood the importance of a nurse and patient relationship. Whether or not nurses and patients realize it, they are constantly util izing Levine’s conservation models. When taking care of several patients, nurses need to conserve on energy so that they do not get tired quickly. Often, things such as IV trays or kits are used to make it easier for nurses to conserve on energy (walk less) and complete tasks efficiently. In addition, when patients are sick, they must conserve on energy and rest so that the human body can fight off an illness. Conservations like this and of many different types are needed for both the nurse and patient. The conservation of structural integrity and personal integrity are utilized within each nurse and patient interaction. When a patient has a massive head trauma, for example, the nurse must keep his/her own personal integrity to protect the patient from increasing his/her own anxiety/stress; which would utilize more energy in the patient and decrease the body’s ability to heal. The nurse might be overcome with feelings when seeing a large amount of blood, but realizes that he/she must be well-informed of his/her non-verbal cues towards the patient. Personal integrity also includes the nurse putting importance on patient requests such as: do not resuscitate, HIPPA compliance, patient privacy, and educating the patient on procedures and interventions that are being done. With the head trauma patient, the nurse can maintain structural integrity by  holding pressure on the wound to prevent further blood loss. This type of nursing intervention can be life-saving, and prevent the patient from further deterioration. Conservation of energy, structural integrity, and personal integrity are crucial in all nursing interactions. Furthermore, it is the nurse’s responsibility to take into account and conserve social integrity as well. Society thrives on social well-being; additionally, Levine concluded that â€Å"health is socially determined† (Alligood Tomey, 2010, p. 229). When the nurse educates the patient in a fashion that makes the patient regain independence, this makes the patient increase personal integrity and become socially accepted in that he/she is regaining health. In society, people tend to define others by their illnesses. Whether it is cancer, obesity, limb amputation, or pregnancy, society will judge a person based on those health issues; moreover, the person will then be socially accepted or rejected. Part of the profession of a nurse is to help guide a patient’s family members and friends on how to perceive and react to that patient and his/her illness (, 2011). Furthermore, it is important that the nurse improves a patient’s social integrity while in the hospital setting by proving social media and communication tools such as: magazines, television, newspapers, or telephone (University of the Philippines Open University [UPOU], 2011). This can help improve a patient’s self-estee m, and decrease the stress illnesses can create. Understanding the nurse-patient relationship and conservation models helps the nurse and patient succeed in regaining health within a patient. Simple models such as Figure 1.1 do not include the personal feelings of a patient or nurse, and how that can affect the overall result of a patient’s health/illness. Figure 1.2: Primary care nursing that utilizes Levine’s concepts of Conservation Model (Alligood and Tomey, 2010, p. 227) Levine’s conservation model explains what the primary care nurse has to take into account when assessing a patient (Fig 1.2). The nurse must base her care and decisions on the patient and his/her family. Figure 1.2 also helps explain the connection of a model to nursing metaparadigm; the well-being, person as a whole, education, and nursing aspects. In addition, seeing the  patient as a â€Å"whole† helps the primary care nurse remember to look at the patient’s overall health. This comprehensive assessment includes: clinical problems (body), psychological aspects (mind), and spiritual beliefs that may affect the plan of care. The interrelationships between wholeness, adaptation, and environment helps primary care nurses understand the bigger picture and how the advanced practice nurse can increase the outcome for the patient. â€Å"Adaptation† describes the patient’s variables that can affect the patient as a whole, or be affected by his/her envir onment. For example, a patient may increase in age, quit smoking, or increase in weight; these variables and/or variations in a patient can greatly change the patient and/or treatments and interventions. A patient’s environment must be understood â€Å"both internally and externally† by the medical team (Alligood Tomey, 2010, p. 227). Again, this deals with the patient as a whole and is comparable to adaptation and a holistic plan of care. Knowing the environment that the patient resides in can affect his or her own health. If the patient doesn’t understand the notion that he/she is terminally ill, it may be difficult to explain the importance of a hospice program to the patient. Figure 1.3: Levine’s â€Å"Conservation Principles† and their interrelationships within a nurse and client connection (Alligood Tomey, 2010, p. 229). Levine also understood the nurse-patient relationship and how that can affect many areas within the ill-or-well patient. In this relationship, it is learned that nurses and patients often want to keep their integrity during any interaction. For example, a patient’s mother named Sarah brings her three-year-old daughter Claire in to the emergency room because Claire had a seizure at home. The patient is no longer having a seizure, and has been diagnosed with seizures over 1 year ago. Claire has a prescription for anti-seizure medicine, but her mother does not feel comfortable administering the medication; instead, Sarah brings Claire directly to the emergency room with each seizure occurrence. Now, Sarah is attempting to keep her own integrity by not having to administer anti-seizure medications in her daughter’s rectum in such a high stress situation. In addition, she wants Claire’s condition to be controlled in order for her to be accepted within the community. O n the other hand, the primary care nurse  practitioner must keep her personal integrity by not getting upset each time this patient visits the emergency room. It is the professional’s responsibility to re-educate Sarah on the plan of care, or tailor it towards the individual and family. This would be an opportune time to discuss other options for anti-seizure medicines, education on how to administer the current medication available, and give a referral to a neurologist. When tailoring the plan of care, Levine’s four conservations come into effect (Fig 1.3). The patient’s energy is utilized with each seizure activity, and possibly structural integrity—due to depletion of oxygenation to the brain and possible neuro deficits. The nurse tries to preserve personal integrity and educate the family of Claire in a way that is skilled and direct so that they may understand the concepts and accept the plan of care. Nursing interventions and education in situatio ns like this can be life-changing, and decrease stress for the patient’s family. It is important to remember that there are always assumptions made to any nursing model, but learning from that model is what is truly essential. Assumptions made to Levine’s conservation theory are that nursing interventions and implementation of those interventions can affect both the ill and/or well patient. Patients do not need to be ill in order to fit within the guidelines of conservation. Most patients feel compelled to be accepted, while maintaining personal authenticity (Fawcett, Schaefer, Moore, 1991). Moreover, the â€Å"environment† section of the model in Figure 1.2 can be falsely understood; that patients might only be able to learn in stress-free situations. Sometimes, stressful situation are where patients, families, and nurses learn best! Lastly, it appears that all human beings act in the same manner, and that patients and nurses alike utilize the same processes (UPOU, 2011). This cannot be true because all patients are diverse, and so are all nurses and primary care professionals. â€Å"Nursing intervention must be founded not only on scientific knowledge, but specifically on recognition of t he individual’s behavioral responses† (Cardwell, 2013). The response to nursing interventions and the â€Å"trial and error† processes are absent in the model (explained in Figure 1.2) of advanced practice nursing based on Levine’s theories. Advanced practice nurses are constantly intervening to improve the health and wellness of a patient; however, those interventions are not always successful. Furthermore, the advanced nurse practitioner  must modify her plan of care constantly. This type of framework of nursing is more of a cycle than a process. Holistic nursing is dedicated to the humanizing experience that the nurse can bring to the bedside, certain in her knowledge and skilled in her techniques, but sensitive and responsive to the person she finds there(Cardwell, 2013). In this phrase, Levine is summarizing the approach and goal of the advanced practice nurse practitioner. Advancing from the role of a registered nurse, primary care nurse practitioners increase their competence, knowledge, and skills. This increase in knowledge helps nurse practitioners in decision making, treatment options, and educating the patient. The primary function of the nurse practitioner is to educate patients across the lifespan, and help patients maintain health. Prevention is the best intervention. Since nurse practitioners begin their careers as bedside registered nurses, advanced nurse practitioners agree with Levine’s â€Å"holistic approach to healthcare† and healing (Fawcett, Schaefer, Moore, 1991). In conclusion, primary care nurse practitioners can benefit from viewing the patient as a whole, while spending a large amount of time listening and educating the patient. No two patients, medical cases, or plan of care can be exactly the same. Nurse practitioners thrive because they spend time with their patients and getting to know their needs; this helps i ncrease patient success and healing. Nursing theory and the interrelationships between a patient’s conservation of energy, social integrity, structural integrity, and personal integrity are essential to the nurse practitioner. The increase of knowledge in the nurse practitioner helps him/her understand all aspects of the patient, and the most efficient way of approaching those patient needs. Levine once stated, â€Å"Confront reality of environment, and maintain well-being† (, 2011) It is the purpose of a nurse practitioner to challenge the internal and external factors and environments distressing a patient, while providing resources and education to increase that patient’s health. The cycle and theories between nurses and patients will continue to transform and be challenged; it is the nurse practitioner’s role to put those theories into practice. References Alligood, M. R., Tomey, A. M. (2010). Nursing Theorists and Their Work (7th ed.). Retrieved from Cardwell, S. (2013). Copy of Myra Levine. Retrieved from Fawcett, J., Schaefer, Moore, K. (1991). Levine’s conservation model: a framework for nursing practice. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co. University of the Philippines Open University. (2011). Nursing Theories. Retrieved from You Tube. (2011). The Nurse Theorists Myra Levine Promo. Retrieved from

Friday, September 20, 2019

Standardisation Is Motivated In The First Place English Language Essay

Standardisation Is Motivated In The First Place English Language Essay Many people regard having a standard language to contain numerous benefits for society because it enables different people from far distant locations to be able to communicate and understand each other, however, this would not be case if one were communicating in his own regional dialect. Even nowadays fluent English speakers would struggle to understand someone who speaks with the Geordie variety. Standard language has been defined as one that shows maximal variation in function and minimal variation in form. Maximal variation of function means that a language community uses its language for all purposes, both locally and nationwide. (Nevalainen 2006:29). During the late Middle Ages in England, English was restricted to local use and at home not across the country as England was ruled in French and Latin, as they were seen as the prestige varieties. Terttu Nevalainen (2006) comments on the situation in English during the Middle Ages and states that in sociolinguistic terms the situa tion was one of diglossia: co-occurring languages served different functions in the community. (p.29) But what is exactly meant by standardisation? Standardisation is the process leading to the emergence of a standard language, and involves the reduction in variability in terms of the grammatical and vocabulary choices that can be made. (Culpeper et al. 2009:224). For instance, previously in Old English multiple negations were frequent, however in SE only a single negation is used. The American linguist Einar Haugen (1972) outlined four stages in the development of a standard language: selection, elaboration, codification and implementation (also referred to as acceptance). These are the four main processes involved in standardising any language. Selection involves the selection of a particular variety within the language to be used as the standard throughout the country. For a number of reasons the London-based variety which had a Midlands basis was selected. London was the capital, centre for court, administration and trade. It was the largest population surpassing its European neighbours. (Culpeper et al. 2009:237). Also in 1476, Caxton established the first printing press in England at Westminster and he modelled what he produced from the variety in London. Thus the books which were printed were published throughout the entire country. In addition, the first English Bible was William Tyndales New Testament translation which printed became available everywhe re. (Crystal 2004:271). However others such as Wales (2002) have argued that the language of Northern England had a far greater importance both historically and in contemporary society, as this was the region in which Industrial Revolution flourished and where the writing of literature in dialect had continued for over 150. (cited in Culpeper et al, 2009:235). Elaboration, meanwhile, means ensuring that the selected variety to be standardised is capable of fulfilling its necessary requirements. Historically, until 1380 English was very much competing with French for official affairs of state. The 1362 Statute of Pleading ensured that court proceedings would be conducted in English. (Baugh and Cable 1993:145). Also, Latin not English was the main language of science. However, when English was no longer competing with other languages it needed a vast expansion of the vocabulary, which was mainly achieved through adopting Latin and Greek words, and an expansion in the range of styles, especially written. (Culpeper et al. 2009:237). Codification refers to writing down all the rules and vocabulary which govern the selected variety. Discussions on codifying English first took place in the seventeenth century were attempts were made to regulate English in the same way as the Academie Francaise was doing for French, however nothing was really established. Also, English did not really possess a dictionary until 1755, when Samuel Johnson published his A Dictionary of the English Language. In addition words and their usages appeared according to their occurrence in what he considered the best authors -thereby confirming the standard as a language of literacy and high culture. Descriptive grammers were more limited, with the exception of Joseph Priestleys 1761 The Rudiments of English Grammer, the grammars recorded were prescriptive i.e. stating that which should and not be said and written. (Culpeper 2009:238) Implementation the forth process involved in standardisation, involves the general acceptability of the population of the norms of the variety selected over other such present varieties. This is through the spread and enforcement of such norms. Also it is aided through various institutions, schools, government and religious institutions. For example, the establishment of the printing press in London spread this particular variety across the country by making the books and literature available. Thus this made it easy to standardise at least the written language. Therefore, Wiliams 2007 asserts the status of SE with its eighteenth-century prescriptive additions, remained unchallenged during the nineteenth century with 1870 Education Act promoting the teaching of SE, as did official educational policy in England throughout the twentieth century and up until today (cited in Culpeper 2009:238). The rise of the standard language in the fifteenth century meant that it quickly became equated with correct speech, whereas dialect came to be associated with uneducated and incorrect usage. The printing presses soon ironed out the remaining local differences in written English, as was only to be expected in view of the fact that 98 per cent of all English books were printed in London. (Gorlach 1991:13). The EModE period was a time of tremendous political, economic, technological and social change in Britain that was to change the size, shape and functioning of the world and with it the English language. (Fennell 2001:136). The reconstruction of any language before 1900 must, in the first phase at least, be that of the written language, which may vary to a greater or lesser extent from the spoken. Direct evidence of the spoken English of the time is very scarce, as is pointed out by Barber (1976:48-56). Whether in allegedly literal protocols or court proceedings, popular dramatic scenes (Kings 1941) or texts representing Early Modern English (EModE) dialects the standardising effect of editing must always be reckoned with sermons and speeches, which are still extant in great numbers and which were written down for oral delivery diverge from spoken English on the rhetorical level. Also, the spoken and written forms of a language also differ in modern times as a consequence of the requirements of different types of communicative situations, despite the fact that most native speakers are also writers of the language and that users frequently have occasion both to speak and to write on the same topic. Sinc e in EModE times competence in written English was not as common as it is today, and the need to switch from the spoken to the written language and back again was less frequent, it may be assumed that the two subsystems were further apart then than they are in modern speech communities. Furthermore, Gorlalch (1991) highlights that now written language was more superregional and homogenous but also more dependent on style and literary traditions. Two counter-directional developments occurred within EModE, affecting the interrelationship of the two subsystems: The increasing influence of the schools brought spelling and pronunciation closer together, the spelling most often affecting the pronunciation of a particular word. Increasing use of the written form as a consequence of changing communicative needs and conventions and its improvements in accordance with Latin models meant that the written language diverged from spoken English , in the particular at the level of syntax. (p12) In neither Germany nor Italy was the standardisation of the written language associated with the establishment of a strong central language administration. In both it was largely commercial, although it did mark the emergence of a sense of nationhood. In Germany the centralized power of the Emperor began to disintegrate in the thirteenth century , and some of the earliest documents in German are the 2500 Urkunden from before 1299 (2200 of them are from the High German area), documents that arbitrated differences between the newly independent dukes and counts. These were all in regional dialects. In the meantime, the cities of the Hanseatic League created a Low German commercial language, not unlike Dutch, from which a large body of contracts and commercial correspondence survives. But as power moved to central Germany, the influence of the Hanseatic koine died. Standard written High German evolved from its three successive Imperial chancelleries. P77 In essence it is clear that European languages were standardised first in writng and only later in speech. Second, standard written forms appeared first in official government and business documents. (Fisher 1996:81). Hence this served as the basis for the usage of scribes and printers and eventually of handbooks and dictionaries created for teaching the standard written language. Every enduring civilisation has had a writing system and archives. Like those of the Roman Empire and Medieval Europe, the writing systems of all of the ancient civilisations were the products of official secretariats striving for uniformity and continuity. For instance with the support of Andrew Carnegies $250,000, the Simplified Spelling Board in the early 1900s undertook to revise English spelling. However no change came into fruition. Thus the standard language is nothing other than official language of government , the judiciary, and business. It is still anchored as firmly in the seats of power as it has been since the dawn of writing. (Fisher 1996:82). When there have been attempts of spelling and lexical reforms, there were institutions set up and sponsored by governments to carry out such reforms like in Italy and Spain, and almost so in England in EModE period. In light of the statement of Milroy and Milroy (1999) an absolute standardisation of a spoken language is almost impossible. Historically written language has always differed from the spoken language. However, after they have been codified, written languages have more influence upon the structure and pronunciation of the spoken than do the spoken on the structure and orthography of the written. .As the written form has over the years become more standardised due mainly to the influence of education. Despite this has had little impact on the spoken stratum. 83 In conclusion, although many may consider SE to be the variety which is pushed in society it does contain flaws. Standard English is in many ways a social class dialect used by middle-class speakers. Studies have repeatedly shown that it is difficult for some children from working class backgrounds to acquire written Standard English.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The KMT lose the war more than the CCP winning it :: essays research papers

The question asks if the CCP really won the war because of tactics and skill or if the KMT lost the war not because the CCP beat them but if they brought their loss upon themselves. As the CCP and KMT were preparing to fight, the majority of people perceived that the KMT would win the war easily. After all, America was prepared to pour billions of dollars into funding the KMT in order for them to win the war. With America on their side the KMT had a powerful American-trained and American-equipped army of three million men. They held all the big cities, all the main railway lines, and some of the richest provinces. Money was abundant and they had large stocks of weapons. In comparison, the CCP were nothing. They held only countryside areas, no air force, no navy and an army of only one million men. They did not have the backing of a single foreign country. I think that the KMT could easily have won the war but instead lost it. The KMT had always been very cowardly. Their cowardice was shown during the Japanese Invasion, when they moved west to Chongqing. This isolated themselves from main cities and could be seen as them isolating their people. The relocation showed that they were unwilling to fight against Japan for their country and therefore unprepared to fight any war. However, America made sure that the KMT were airlifted out of Chongqing and into key cities to stop the CCP from gaining more land. The KMT were did not plan well in advance and could not handle the money that was meant to benefit them properly. The rapid inflation of the currency was causing great hardship for many civilians in the KMT-held cities. As money lost its value, many workers went on strike, hungry crowds stormed shops, riots broke out and public order collapsed. This was very bad for the KMT as people stopped supporting the KMT and went over to the communist party’s side. Another example of the KMT not thinking ahead can be seen during the Japanese invasion. During this time, they never gained support from the peasants which made up most of China. Instead, they bullied them by imposing high taxes on them which made them even more unpopular with them. So instead of gaining supporters they lost what were potential supporters.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Michael Jordan :: essays research papers

“Michael Jordan is the best ever. There shouldn’t be any question in anyone’s mind. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. He broke the mold. There is no one remotely close to him, Nate Thurmond says. Look at all the finals, he always carried his team. He willed them to another title each year. His greatness was well shown off and off the court. He follows up by saying it’s his mental approach more so than his physical talent. He’s been on top so long and he still goes out and does it every night (Thurmond, 61).'; He was the best player in the league for years and everyone respected his talent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “There’s no next Michael Jordan, says Magic Johnson. He continues saying, you can’t compare anyone to him, what he has done for the game can never be matched. Michael Jordan will always be Michael Jordan and no one better (Johnson, 61). He’s the greatest that ever played, in terms of doing things that Larry Bird and I never dreamed about.'; (62) Doug Collins says that, “Practice is what made him go. Every day he had this need to show who was the best. It’s like `I’m the best today and I’m going to show you and tomorrow I’m going to show you and the next day I’m going to show you again.’ That was how he competed. All the great geniuses of the world were like that. We’re talking about Einstein, Edison, and Roosevelt. These people came across something and worked to perfect it (Collins, 61).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “Michael Jordan is the most competitive human being I’ve ever met. I’ve met many CEO’s from fortune 500 companies. Michael is more competitive then all of them, David Faulk'; (Faulk, 62) He continues saying, “Michael Jordan would cheat to win, if he wasn’t winning, he would do anything to do so.';(63) Fread Lynch tells, “More than anything else, he was a sore loser. Just playing pick-up games, he’d get on his teammates all the time. He hasn’t changed that. What he always expected was everybody play the game as hard as he played it.'; (Lynch, 63)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Michael Jordan’s father once said, “I think Michael got so good because Larry (his older brother) used to beat him all the time. He always took losing hard. He only began beating Larry once he started really to grow. It was almost like as if he willed himself to grow. Michael Jordan :: essays research papers “Michael Jordan is the best ever. There shouldn’t be any question in anyone’s mind. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. He broke the mold. There is no one remotely close to him, Nate Thurmond says. Look at all the finals, he always carried his team. He willed them to another title each year. His greatness was well shown off and off the court. He follows up by saying it’s his mental approach more so than his physical talent. He’s been on top so long and he still goes out and does it every night (Thurmond, 61).'; He was the best player in the league for years and everyone respected his talent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “There’s no next Michael Jordan, says Magic Johnson. He continues saying, you can’t compare anyone to him, what he has done for the game can never be matched. Michael Jordan will always be Michael Jordan and no one better (Johnson, 61). He’s the greatest that ever played, in terms of doing things that Larry Bird and I never dreamed about.'; (62) Doug Collins says that, “Practice is what made him go. Every day he had this need to show who was the best. It’s like `I’m the best today and I’m going to show you and tomorrow I’m going to show you and the next day I’m going to show you again.’ That was how he competed. All the great geniuses of the world were like that. We’re talking about Einstein, Edison, and Roosevelt. These people came across something and worked to perfect it (Collins, 61).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “Michael Jordan is the most competitive human being I’ve ever met. I’ve met many CEO’s from fortune 500 companies. Michael is more competitive then all of them, David Faulk'; (Faulk, 62) He continues saying, “Michael Jordan would cheat to win, if he wasn’t winning, he would do anything to do so.';(63) Fread Lynch tells, “More than anything else, he was a sore loser. Just playing pick-up games, he’d get on his teammates all the time. He hasn’t changed that. What he always expected was everybody play the game as hard as he played it.'; (Lynch, 63)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Michael Jordan’s father once said, “I think Michael got so good because Larry (his older brother) used to beat him all the time. He always took losing hard. He only began beating Larry once he started really to grow. It was almost like as if he willed himself to grow.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Chanel Essay -- essays research papers

CHANEL  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel was born in Saumur, France in 1884. Vogue Magazine referred to her as â€Å"the couturier who takes no account of fashion, who pursues her own faultlessly elegant line in the quiet confidence that fashion will come back to her - and sure enough it always does.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chanel began designing heavily during the 1920s. Her first outfits were wool jerseys, and were very simple. She became famous for the simple look of her extremely classy outfits. Chanel stayed away from the vivid colors of many of the other designers of the time. Instead, she used blacks, navy, and tan almost exclusively. Unlike many designers who primarily made dresses and suits, Chanel also designed jackets, hats, and costume jewelry. When presenting a show, she did not have to accessorize her models with designs from other houses. Chanel designed well into the 1930s, but was forced to close her house during the years of World War Two. In 1954, she was able to reopen, and she designed until she died in 1971.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chanel was one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century with a non-conformist and classical streak. Coco designed the definitive women’s suit, wore masculine clothes, sported a cropped haircut and flaunted a suntan when it was considered to be an symbol of the working class. In 1916, she outraged the fashion industry by using jersey at a time when it was strictly associated with... Chanel Essay -- essays research papers CHANEL  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel was born in Saumur, France in 1884. Vogue Magazine referred to her as â€Å"the couturier who takes no account of fashion, who pursues her own faultlessly elegant line in the quiet confidence that fashion will come back to her - and sure enough it always does.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chanel began designing heavily during the 1920s. Her first outfits were wool jerseys, and were very simple. She became famous for the simple look of her extremely classy outfits. Chanel stayed away from the vivid colors of many of the other designers of the time. Instead, she used blacks, navy, and tan almost exclusively. Unlike many designers who primarily made dresses and suits, Chanel also designed jackets, hats, and costume jewelry. When presenting a show, she did not have to accessorize her models with designs from other houses. Chanel designed well into the 1930s, but was forced to close her house during the years of World War Two. In 1954, she was able to reopen, and she designed until she died in 1971.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chanel was one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century with a non-conformist and classical streak. Coco designed the definitive women’s suit, wore masculine clothes, sported a cropped haircut and flaunted a suntan when it was considered to be an symbol of the working class. In 1916, she outraged the fashion industry by using jersey at a time when it was strictly associated with...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Why we shouldn’t have more school days

The roots to education are bitter, but the fruit Is sweet. † unfortunately, our fruit hasn't become the sweetest. The recent Programmer for International Student Assessment (PISA) has shown that although the US may spend the most on Its students, we aren't all high and mighty. U. S students ranked 36 In Math, 28 in Science, and 24 in Language Arts. Shanghai, China ranked number one in every subject. You have proposed many times before on extending school hours or days to help students reach their full potential.I wish it were that simple, but nothing comes to us that easily. If this were to happen, it would surpass the real reasons we aren't ranking high enough. Let's take a look at high ranking countries such as Finland, Australia, and of course China. China Is number one, but also very high on another list. China's suicide rate Is among the highest In the world, ranking number 6. When you add more school, you add more stress. Students are stressed out enough with trying to be that perfect body they see In the magazines. School shouldn't add onto that, school should be a unforgettable and fun learning environment for kids.In China, falling Is not an option. You must attend school 260 days a year and if you con not, a parent steps in place to take notes for you. That is no way to live. Students are put under so much pressure they think the only way to be freed is to take their own life. Education and intelligence isn't worth it at the cost of someone's life. Both countries ranked significantly lower on the list of countries by suicide rate, Finland ranking at 22 and Australia ranking at 50. Although Peru, ranked last on the PISA, they ranked 99 on the sit of countries by suicide rate. It isn't worth the risk.As If school wasn't hard enough! School breaks are treasured by families because It Is the only time they really have together. Family time Is cherished by many and overlooked by many. I am one of the people that cherishes family time. With family tha t lives in the randomness parts of the country, I count down until breaks to be given the opportunity to wrap my arms around them again. Parents have jobs, students have homework, and after school activities. All the more reason to cherish family time. Whether you like it or not, they are your family, and you can't get rid of them.You are pretty much stuck with them so why would you take away the fun memories? Lastly, three simple words: quality over quantity. It doesn't matter how many school hours we have or school days. It how we spend that time Is what matters. Ever since I can remember, I have always spent my time In school preparing for a standardized test. These evil green monsters bring more stressed, but that Is a completely different topic. In Finland, they only take one standardized test when they are 16. Finnish schools have an educational system the US should new.In Finland students have smaller class sizes, and have little to know homework. Whereas in China, they were very well mannered students that wear uniform, learn in large class sizes, and have many hours of homework when they return home. Finland ranked 12 in Math, 5 in Science, and 6 in Language Arts. The Finnish education system has to be doing something right. They even have the same amount of school days as us, thus proving the amount of time spent in school isn't the greatest factor even if other states have men improvement.Speaking of same amount of school days, we have the same amount of days as Australian children. But instead of having a long two month break, they have smaller breaks given each season throughout the year. Australia ranked 19 in Math, 16 in Science, and 13 in Language Arts, all ranks are better than ours. Even Peru, that ranked last in every subject, has the same amount of school days as us. It is all about what we doing the time we have not the actual amount. In summation, school can be stressful, we should cherish family time, and it is all bout quality over quan tity.You can be the smartest person in the world, but if you don't share your intelligence, it is put to waste. As you can see, its not about the hours or the days. In order to fix the dent in our system, we can't Just put a piece of duct tape and call it a day. We have to investigate and connect the correct wires. These wires include such things like the school environment and students working to their full potential. We will get better in time, our system Just needs a few tweaks. Sincerely, Alexandra

Coping with Corruption in Trading with China

CASE 2-5 Coping with Corruption in Trading with China Corruption is on the rise in China, where the country’s press frequently has detailed cases of corruption and of campaigns to crack down on it. The articles primarily have focused on domestic economic crimes among Chinese citizens, and on local of? cials who have been ? red or assessed other penalties. Indeed, China has been rated by Transparency International as number 59 of the 102 countries the German organization rates on its â€Å"Corruption Perception Index. †1 Finland is rated the least corrupt at number 1, the United States at 16, and Bangladesh the most corrupt at number 102.Corruption’s long arm now is reaching out to touch China’s foreign business community. Traders, trade consultants, and analysts have said that foreign ? rms are vulnerable to a variety of corrupt practices. Although some of these ? rms said they had no experience with corruption in the People’s Republic of China (PRC ), the majority said they increasingly were asked to make payments to improve business, engage in black-market trade of import and export licenses, bribe of? cials to push goods through customs or the Commodity Inspection Bureau, or engage in collusion to beat the system.The Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption reports that outright bribes as well as gifts or payment to establish guanxi, or â€Å"connections,† average 3 to 5 percent of operating costs in the PRC, or $3 billion to $5 billion of the $100 billion of foreign investments that have been made there. The most common corrupt practices confronting foreign companies in China are examined here. ANGLING FOR CASH MNCs also are asked sometimes to sponsor overseas education for children of trading of? cials. One person told a Chinese source that an MNC paid for that individual’s U.S. $1,500-a-month apartment, as well as a car, university education, and expenses. Firms ? nd direct requests for cash payme nts—undeniably illegal—the most dif? cult. One well-placed source said that a major trader, eager for buyers in the face of an international market glut, had fallen into regularly paying large kickbacks into the Honduran, U. S. , and Swiss accounts of of? cials at a PRC foreign trade corporation. Refusing to make payments may not only hurt sales, it can also be terrifying. A U. S. ?rm was one of several bidders for a large sale; a Chinese of? ial demanded the MNC pay a 3 percent kickback. When the company representative refused, the of? cial threatened: â€Å"You had better not say anything about this. You still have to do business in China, and stay in hotels here. † Not surprisingly, the U. S. company lost the deal. Traders of certain commodities may be tempted to purchase on the black market those import and export licenses that are dif? cult to obtain legally. A fairly disorganized underground market, for instance, exists for licenses to export China-made ga rments to the United States.Some branches of the Commodity Inspection Bureau (CIB) also have posed problems for some traders. Abuses have emerged in the CIB since it started inspecting imports in 1987. A Japanese company, for instance, informed CIB of? cials of its intention to bring heavy industrial items into China—items that had met Japanese and U. S. standards. The of? cials responded that they planned to dismantle the products on arrival for inspection purposes. The problem was resolved only after the ? rm invited the of? cials to visit Japan. Some traders get around such problems by purchasing inspection certi? ates on the black market. According to press accounts, these forms, complete with signatures and seals, can be bought for roughly U. S. $200. Some claim that, for the appropriate compensation, customs of? cials in a southern province are very willing to reduce the dutiable value of imports as much as 50 percent. Because the savings can far exceed transport costs, some imports that would logically enter China through a northern port are redirected through the southern province. PAYING TO IMPROVE BUSINESS Foreign traders make several types of payments to facilitate sales in China.The most common methods used are trips abroad. Chinese of? cials, who rarely have a chance to visit overseas, often prefer foreign travel to cash or gifts. (This was especially true when few PRC of? cials had been abroad. ) As a result, traders report that dangling foreign trips in front of their PRC clients has become a regular part of negotiating large trade deals that involve products with a technological component. â€Å"Foreign travel is always the ? rst inducement we offer,† said an executive involved in machinery trade. In most cases, traders built these costs into the product’s sale price.Some trips are â€Å"reasonable and bona ? de expenditures directly related to the promotion, demonstration, or explanation of products and services, or the e xecution of a contract with a foreign government agency. † But other trips, when of? cials on foreign junkets are offered large per diems and aren’t invited speci? cally to gain technical knowledge, may be another matter. Foreign travel isn’t always an inducement—it also can be extorted. In one case, a PRC bank branch refused to issue a letter of credit for a machinery import deal. The Chinese customer suggested that the foreign trader invite the bank of? ial on an overseas inspection tour. Once the invitation was extended, the bank issued the letter of credit. QUESTIONS 1. List all the different types of bribes, payments, or favors represented in this case and say why each is either legal or illegal. 2. For those practices that you say are illegal, classify each as lubrication, extortion, or subornation, and tell why. 3. Which of the payments, favors, or bribes are illegal under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)? 4. Assuming that the FCPA did not e xist, what is the ethical response to each of the payments, favors, or bribes you have See www. transparency. org for more details about their 2002 index. 572 Cases 2 The Cultural Environment of Global Markets you think bribery will become less prevalent in markets like China? 573 identi? ed? Read the section titled â€Å"Ethically and Socially Responsible Decisions† in Chapter 3 as a guide to assist you in your decision. 5. Now that the OECD has approved an FCPA-like treaty to ban commercial bribery by ? rms in member countries, do 6. List alternatives to paying bribes in international markets and discuss the pluses and minuses of each.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Ceres Gardening Company Case Study Essay

1. How has the company grown? What is its basic strategy + how has it evolved? What have been the key factors in the company’s growth? The growth of the company has been fueled by the market demand growth in organic products. Ceres increased their revenues by over 75% in just five years, while growing profits by over 25% (based on Exhibits 2, 3 & 4). Ceres’s basic strategy started with its founder, Jonathan Wydown, to promote sustainable organic gardens and landscapes to environmentally conscious consumers. Mr. Wydown has been a proponent of soil preservation, biodiversity, and natural fertilizers and pest control. Mr. Wydown was confident that the same principles behind organic farming would eventually apply to home gardens and lawns. Mr. Wydown’ s vision evolved into the creation and development of a market niche of selected certified organic seeds and seedlings for vegetables, culinary herbs, and flowers – bringing the farm to the home per se. This market niche and products became the company’s differentiator and competitive edge. The key factors that drove the company’s growth are: * Market demand and segmentation – Ceres developed a market niche for organic-conscious consumers who are concerned about the environment. Although products are priced at a higher premium, the value from the company’s environmentally conscious go-to-market strategy and segmentation allowed Ceres to develop a loyal consumer community. * Product Offerings – Ceres expanded its products offerings to include open-pollinated, organically grown, and heirloom varieties of seeds and seedlings for vegetables, culinary herbs, and flowers. The company also added live plants, such as one-year-old trees. * Production Strategy – Ceres’ principal farm was located in central  California. As the demand for Ceres’ products increased, Ceres’s production capability was challenged. To keep up with the increased demand, Ceres developed a network of small, independent organic farms, offering them a commitment to purchase goods in exchange for an exclusive supplier relationship. These further strengthened Ceres’ production capability. * Distribution Channel – In the early years, Ceres operated primarily as a mail-order catalog company. This was their main distribution channel. The operation was ran well and valued for its quality, reliability, and hands-on customer service. Moreover, Ceres provided a free bimonthly company newsletter, which included gardening tips, introduced new products, and created a sense of community among the expanding customer base. This alternative marketing expanded Ceres’ channel from one time purchase to future incremental (post-sale) revenues. Eventually, Ceres expanded its channels to include retail channels, and direct sale through a sales force model. * GetCeresâ„ ¢ Program – enabled the average nursery or garden center to stock a sufficient inventory of Ceres’ products to meet the seasonal demands of the customer. If a retailer ran out of seasonal products, the customer would probably not return later, thus a potential loss of sale. Essentially the program meets the challenge of having the plenty of stock of the right product in the store at the right time based on consumer attitudes, behaviors, and preferences. The program also provided incentives to retail storeowners by offering deep discounts to carry inventory and extended payment plans. 2. Questions 3.1. How is Ceres’ financial health? Which specific items in the supplemental financial statements + which ratios might you calculate/research to help you assess its financial health? The financial health of Ceres is excellent and continues to show a positive trend from 2002 to 2006. (Please refer to Table 1) * Current Ratio shows Ceres’ ability to pay short-term obligations. The current ratio indicates that the company would be able to cover its liabilities in 2002 2 times over. * Quick Ratio measures Ceres’ ability to meet its short-term obligations with assets excluding inventory. The quick ratio indicates that Ceres would be able to cover liabilities 1.6 times over. * Debt Equity shows Ceres’ financial leverage and its aggressive posture in financing its growth with debt. The company could potentially generate more earnings than it would have without this outside financing. This indicates that even with Ceres’ expansion of distribution channels, extension of payment terms, and the creation of a direct sales force, Ceres was able to manage to stay below 1 with a mean average of .74. * Inventory Turnover shows an efficient turnover of inventory. Ceres does not hold inventory for long periods of time, which can incur additional costs by having assets sit without revenue generation. It shows Ceres’ ability to manage inventory in a seasonal cycle and further indicates their ability to forecast demands on product movement. * Accounts Receivable shows Ceres’ effectiveness in extending credit as well as collecting debts. The extended payment terms appear to be working. The prompt collection of debts enables Ceres’ to use the monies to reinvest into the business. 3.2. What should Ceres’ strategic plan be, given the trends in the organic gardening market? A move forward strategy is a renewed focus on market penetration and diversification of product portfolio. As the CMO, Annette O’Connell reported, â€Å"Growth in organic gardening products is strong, and the trends should support long term growth.† Market Penetration – capitalize on the movement from wholesale organic farming to weekend home gardeners and food service industries. While Ceres can continue to cement their market share in organic farming, the weekend gardener and food industry market are prime market niches. To reach these markets, Ceres has to diversify its product portfolio. Product Portfolio Diversification – Ceres’ has to consider diversifying its product portfolio from materials (i.e. seeds, samplings, 1-year-old fruit trees, etc.) to services and solutions to help organic farmers, food service industries, and weekend gardeners on the â€Å"how to’s† of organic gardening. You not only sell the seeds but also help the consumers manage the gardening process thus providing Ceres a â€Å"market differentiator† as a one-stop consumer experience. 3. How would you evaluate Ceres’ marketing efforts? Should the Ceres program be expanded? Why or why not? The GetCeresâ„ ¢ Program is a sound marketing plan but can be fraught with challenges if not managed effectively. The main purpose of the program is to address inventory and â€Å"enable the average nursery or garden center to stock a sufficient inventory of Cere’s organic products† by having the right products in the stores at the right time. Bottom line – help Ceres increase sales by helping business partners manage their inventory. With that said, stores and business partners are not willing to carry inventories on their books if they are not able to churn it appropriately. To alleviate angst and potential cost exposure, Ceres extended their payment terms from 75 to 90 days to 120 days and a 15% discount the storeowner or business partner agrees to hold a minimum stock inventory. To help protect Ceres’ average gross margins, it successfully raised prices slightly on most of its products. 4. Questions 5.3. In your opinion, did Ceres hire the right CMO? What role did that play in its financial situation? In our opinion, Ceres hired the right CMO. Through the CMO leadership, distribution channels were expanded from mail order catalog to an expanded network of storeowners and retail merchants. The CMO further increased their market reach by developing a direct sales force and the appropriately compensation plan. Inventory was managed efficiently through the introduction of the GetCeresâ„ ¢ Program. Overall, the company’s debt equity, inventory turnover, and accounts receivable ratios showed a positive trend and continue to forecast a better future. 5.4. Why is it important to ensure that you hire someone who is the â€Å"best fit† – for a position? It is important to hire someone who is a best fit because of the notion of a â€Å"shared vision† and â€Å"common values.† A strategy remains to be a strategy without the proper tactical execution. Both Wydown and O’Connell agreed,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The best way for Ceres to build its competitive position would be to push even more aggressively† to increase profits and lower margins by expanding distribution channels and market footprint. O’Connell had a background in retail and consumer packaged goods. This was the â€Å"best fit† for Ceres’s CEO, Jonathan Wydown whose strategy for growth was to move from a mail order catalog model to building a retail presence. Wydown and O’Connell believed that Ceres’ reputation for quality and customer service would give the company an advantage over the competition. 5. If you were CEO Jonathan Wydown, what would you plan to say during your upcoming meeting with the bank – regarding Ceres’ growth prospects + cash flow projections for 2007 and the near future? During the upcoming meeting with the bank, the focus should be given on the debt equity, inventory turnover, and accounts receivable ratios and how well the company has managed its operations over a sustained period (i.e. 2002 to 2006). From the Balance Sheet provided, it is evident that operational, financing, and investment cash flow is positive. The market-projected growth is 8% to 10% per year. Ceres has kept pace with the overall industry, but Ceres has to review its financing model to sustain their own growth in the market they chose to compete in order to continue having a competitive edge. As such, the bank discussion should center on the increase of revolving credit and capitalization of investments to continue to fund the retail distribution model.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Tattos Descriptive

Ana Castillo Mrs. Elliott English 11 9 October 2012 Descriptive Essay: Tattoos Tattoos are created by inserting colored materials beneath the skins surface. The skin is penetrated with a sharp too. Today colored ink and an electric needle are the material and instrument of choice. Today the practice is popular with a vast cross section of the population. Within the United States, tattoos can be found on anybody from gang members to fashion models. The word tattoo comes from the Tahitian word â€Å"tatu† which means â€Å"to mark something†. www. designboom. com) It is arguably claimed that tattooing has existed since 12,000 years BC. Around the year 1981, the first electric tattoo machine was registered by its inventor,Samual O’Reilly, at the United States Patent (it was based on a machine patented by Thomas Edison, but rather than using the tool as a means to embroider fabric, which Edison did, O’Reilly’s tattoo machine as meant to â€Å"embroider † skin). When O’Reilly invested this new machine he didn’t know the whirlwind he would help create in the next years (www. reillytattoo. com). Youth and adolescence is one of the most, significant and influential moments in everyone’s life, when the youth are seeking to identify who they are. Tattooing and body piercing are one of the many ways through which young people express their own unique identity. They are symbolic representations of how they are perceived. When you are young you are trying to find your identity. Most adolescents go through several transitions one of those is more than likely trying to be the cool guy/girl.But it is quite the opposite, because a piercing or tattoo is signifying certain changes in one’s life. It symbolizes adulthood, because you have to be 18 to get pierced or tattooed, or that appearing to be more grown up because you were able to make this life changing decision or just because you’re of the legal ag e and just randomly decided you wanted to get pierced or tattooed. Many people think that tattooing is dangerous. Part of this is because people don’t think that the tattoo artist sterilize their materials.Others believe that tattoos have a high risk of infection. And the most commonly reported problem are allergic reactions. Others feel as though the pain factor is too immense. Although these fears are common they are easily prevented. Most of the people who believe these things aren’t fully informed with information. The sterilization process for the materials used is extremely important. This reduces risks of several things including infection and disease.When people think of sterilization and risk factors concerning tattoos they have more concerns with disease then infection. This is because of the many myths that contracting AIDS or hepatitis B virus is likely. Many people do not know that there has been an actual reported case of contracting the aids virus is abo ut two drops, which is too much compare to the amount of blood on a non-sterilized needle. So, basically the odd of contracting aids is very rare (tattotemple. hk).Society has a tendency of negatively judging those who have tattoos or piercings. They are often stereotyped as bad people or even criminals. They are seen as lower than â€Å"clean† skin people even though you cannot judge someone’s inside based on their outside appearance. When people see an individual with â€Å"full sleeves† meaning someone with both or one arm fully tatted, a common comment that you might hear is, â€Å"I wonder what he/she works as, I bet you it’s a low wage paying job† or something similar.But next time you in for a visit with your doctor think about what you may not be able to see. They might have a tattoo, but you cannot see underneath their lab coat. Tattoos are simply a visual way of expressing your freedom of speech. Works Cited â€Å"A Brief History of Tatt oos† (2000-2010) http://www. designboom. com/history/tattoo_history. html Pang, Joey â€Å"Study At the Temple: Masterpiece Library† http://tattootemple. hk/history-of-tattooing O’Reilly, Samuels â€Å"Beginning Times† () http://www. oreillystattoo. com/OReillys_Tattoo_Parlour/Home. html

Friday, September 13, 2019

MSc in Civil Engineering and Construction Management Assignment

MSc in Civil Engineering and Construction Management - Assignment Example Our client will have an accurate and appraised value for money (VfM). The second part deals on value engineering approach and processes which involve imaginative and creative efforts, and methods and means to provide substitute materials, tools and processes which can give a valuing ‘map’ for the project. SBE Innovations will have a chance to study and approve the recommendations through their representatives, the project manager, and project committee. The team will determine how the functions of the construction can be simplified without sacrificing quality. Value management is the first step and activity that should be applied at the early stage of the project. This is a step-by-step analysis, employing scientific methods, discussions, brainstorming, and all possible logical means to arrive at a low-cost with high value for the client’s project. Value management utilizes a workshop to study on the different functions of the project, the purpose of which is to maximize usage or functionality of the facilities, and to minimize unnecessary costs; in other words, a maximization and utilization of the different parts of the project at a minimum cost. The functions and the stages, including the brands or materials to be installed, will be examined thoroughly so that unnecessary costs can be minimized. If there are other brands available in the market which are cheaper but can provide the same quality, we will provide the recommendations. Our company provides services to clients through value management and value engineering initiatives such as functional analysis which seeks to provide a valuing process to an existing project. Our study will deal with the possible problems and barriers and the possible reduction of costs on the different functional stages of the project. We will provide a detailed scope study.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Alcan Paper Five Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Alcan Paper Five - Essay Example The enterprise has operating facilities across 61 countries with a work force of about 68,000 employees (Dube, Bernier, & Roy, 2009). The organization takes the leading position in production of raw materials, fabricated products and primary metals. The enterprise is involved in creating and selling of a variety of products, which include bauxite, automobile iron, sheet ingot, aluminum recycling services, forging stock (INDUSTRY CANADA, 2005). This paper explores a report of Alcan based on the case studies. The report discusses the application of Information Technology within the Alcan organization and it is a summary of issues addressed in part 1 to part four all of which focused on the Alcan. It addresses a range of issues that concerns Alcan Organization. The issues of concern include the General Systems, Theory and Social-Technical Theory, Organizational Success, Failures and Consequences, Communication Policies, STS Practices, and application of theories within the Organization, the Alcan’s organization and operating technology, technological contributions to the organization, dominant Information Technology strategies and practices, technological barriers or success, the Alcan’s business continuity plan, the company’s organization and operating technology, technological contributions to the organization, dominant Information Technology strategies and practices, technological barriers disaster recovery plan, and business continuity plan. Organization Environment. Alcan Organization has operating facilities across 61 countries with a work force of about 68,000 employees. It has four principal business groups which are: Bauxite and Alumina, Primary Metal, packaging and the engineered products. The four business groups are the main revenue contributors for the organization (Dube, Bernier, & Roy, 2009). The company sells a variety of products, which include bauxite, automobile iron, sheet ingot, aluminium recycling services, forging stock. It is extremely vertically integrated having eight mines and deposits, a transport network with ports and facilities, seven alumina plants, 26 aluminium smelters, 17 laminated products plants, 12 electric power plants, seven alumina refineries, 180 packaging materials plants and 49 engineered products plants (Dube, Bernier, & Roy, 2009). Organizational Structure. The senior management in Alcan Company consists of a CIO and four associates (Dube, Bernier, & Roy, 2009). These associates include: Strategic IT-Program director, Chief information-security- officer director, performance-management director, and the Enterprise Architectural director. Next to these are two services that are shared. One service is for the application, and the next is for infrastructure. In the centre of the ladder, there are different business groups of Information Technology directors. Each business group is headed by an IT director referred to as VP (Dube, Bernier, & Roy, 2009). Challenges Faced by Alcan Organization. Alcan organization is faced with various environmental, economical, social as well as technological challenges. The environmental challenges facing Alcan include sustainable raw material development, industrial waste, air emissions, and water. The company overcomes this challenge by developing a clean manufacturing process and designing a method of recycling the waste products (Foster, 2005). Economic Challenges in Alcan include high costs due to funds misappropriation in the company, ineffective and inefficiency business

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Creatively and play with in early year curriculm Essay

Creatively and play with in early year curriculm - Essay Example Since children are naturally creative, there are also many ways to integrate creativity development in such key learning area. This paper will analyze how creativity can be harnessed in communication, language and literacy activities in the foundation stage. Defining Creativity According to the Reggio Emilia approach, Thornton (2005), states that creativity is essential to successful learning as it enables children to make connections between the different areas of learning which in turn extends their understanding (Rinaldi, 2006). Hood (2008) states that Creativity is a state of mind in which all of our intelligences are working together, he goes on to predict that it involves the basic senses within a human whereby seeing, thinking and generating ideas can be incorporated into any subject at school or in any aspect of life (Hood 2008). Therefore it is essential that children are regularly asked questions and given the opportunity to ask questions in order to further stimulate their creative learning thus increasing their self – esteem and confidence (Hood, 2008). Creativity is a quality which can have many advantages as it can be used within many aspects in the child’s later life (Cullingford, 2007). ... This implies that children need to have a variety of experiences to draw from when they develop ideas or when they try to associate one thought with another to come up with a new viewpoint. Developing Creativity in the Key Learning Area of Communication, Language and Literacy Loris Malaguzzi (1998) believes that â€Å"Creativity should not be considered a separate mental faculty but a characteristic of our way of thinking, knowing and making choices† (Malaguzzi, 1998, p.75). Children naturally express such creativity in their natural communication. Their communications may be expressed in various forms or â€Å"languages†Ã¢â‚¬â€œ in words, drawing, artwork, three-dimensional constructions, music and movement. Young children do not express their ideas in just one form but move naturally and easily between â€Å"languages†. They may vacillate from drawing, speaking, singing and moving (Fawcett & Hay, 2004). This is consistent with the key learning area of Communica tion, Language and Literacy development in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Children’s stories are valuable because they present so many benefits to a child’s development. Among the benefits is engaging them in creative imagination as they picture the story unfold in their minds. In practice, storytelling activities are made exciting for children that pupils look forward to story time. It is a time when they imagine wonderful things and then do something fun and creative after, to help them remember the story. Otto (2010) discusses that effective storybook reading techniques involve three parts namely pre-reading, reading and post-reading. These stages are equally important in the appreciation of a story. Before